The Wind Today

Song by Don Ray

The Wind Today by Don Ray

The wind today is strong and relentless:
Blows dust in the air, throws trash against fences,
Puts grit in your teeth, and deadens your senses.
The wind today is strong and relentless.

The wind today is going too fast:
It's pushing around everything in its path.
Sooner or later, there's bound to be a crash.
The wind today is going too fast.

Hold on when the wind blows like that.
Hold on - you better hold on to your hat.

The wind today is swirling around:
East, north, west, south, and up and down.
It's going to be hard to keep your feet on the ground.
The wind today is swirling around.

Hold on when the wind blows like that.
Hold on - you better hold on to your hat.

The wind today is strong and relentless:
Blows dust in the air, throws trash against fences,
Puts grit in your teeth, and deadens your senses.
The wind today is strong and relentless.

Hold on when the wind blows like that.
Hold on - you better hold on to your hat.

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