Buzzard in the Sky

Song by Don Ray

Buzzard in the Sky by Don Ray

The sun is hot; my throat is dry.
Drops of sweat sting my eyes.
I see a shadow roll across the ground.
I look up in the sky, then I lay
my shovel down, my shovel down.

Way up high there's a buzzard in the sky.
Way up high there's a buzzard in the sky.
He's got his eye...
He's got his eye on me.

Up ahead a cloud of dust,
A pickup truck in a mighty rush
Jumps from the shoulder across that center line.
Then I hit the ditch
gravel flying, gravel flying

Way up high there's a buzzard in the sky.
Way up high there's a buzzard in the sky.
He's got his eye...
He's got his eye on me.

A sunny day, the weather's nice.
I'm feeling good; I feel alright.
A little twinge behind my brow,
Then I'm on my back
And I don't know how, no I don't know how.

Way up high there's a buzzard in the sky.
Way up high there's a buzzard in the sky.
He's got his eye...
He's got his eye on me.

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